Don't Get Zapped

ACROSS 1. An ________ is something that does not allow electricity to flow through it easily. 2. Electricity always takes the _______ path to the ground. 3. _______ is an excellent conductor. 4. An ______ is a small particle that orbits around the nucleus of an atom. 5. Coming in contact with electricity can cause ________, burns, or death. 6. _______ measure the pressure or force of electricity. 7. Stay at least 10 feet away from all overhead _______ lines. 8. _______ measure the work that electricity does. 9. Underground power _________ are dangerous to contact. DOWN 10. If you contact electricity and the ________ at the same time, you will be shocked or electrocuted. 11. The loop electricity travels in is called a ________. 12. A machine that delivers an electric shock to restart a patient’s heart is called a _____________. This puzzle includes fun facts about electricity and how to be safe around it. You can find all the answers inside this magazine. 10 1 11 14 2 13 4 3 6 7 15 5 16 8 9 12 13. Ancient Romans used to drop an electric _______ on sick people’s heads to make them think more clearly. 14. Water will _____ electricity very well. 15. Report unlocked pad-mounted ___________ to your local electric utility immediately. 16. An overloaded _______ can cause an electrical fire.